Which Teeth Will Move First During Invisalign® Treatment?

By: Dr. Dasha Frias Landa


Invisalign clear aligners offer an aesthetically pleasing and practical alternative to braces. A product of expert orthodontics and design, this clear aligner therapy is provided at Alliance Family Dentistry in Naples, FL, under the guidance of Dr. Dasha Frias Landa. So, how exactly does Invisalign treatment work? Which teeth move first when you start your journey to a perfect smile with these clear aligners?

Understanding the process: How Invisalign treatment works

Invisalign treatment uses a set of clear, custom-made aligners to gradually shift teeth into their ideal positions. The process begins with a 3D computer imaging system that maps your dental structure. This detailed map allows your dentist to generate a step-by-step treatment plan where each stage corresponds to the movement of specific teeth. The aligners are then fabricated based on this plan.

Will front teeth move first?

Invisalign treatment typically first moves the teeth most out of alignment or protruding the furthest. In many cases, these are one or more of the front teeth — also known as anterior teeth. These include your incisors and canine teeth, as these are the most visible when you smile. These teeth tend to be the primary concern for most patients seeking orthodontic treatment to improve the look of their smile. Adjusting the position of these teeth first allows for immediate visible changes, encouraging the patient's adherence to the treatment protocol.

The big shift: Can Invisalign move molars?

While the front teeth are often the first to move, asking whether Invisalign aligners can move molars is common. The answer is a resounding yes. Molars, though more challenging to shift due to their size and deep root system, can still be moved effectively using Invisalign clear aligners. While it might take longer for significant molar movement to occur, the result is considered well worth the wait, as it leads to a more harmonious and functional bite.

A long-lasting transformation

Invisalign treatment's approach to teeth realignment is comprehensive and targeted. Rather than just focusing on cosmetic corrections, it seeks to improve the overall functionality of the patient's teeth. The overall treatment plan often involves moving both anterior and posterior teeth (including molars) to ensure optimal occlusion — how your teeth meet when your jaws bite together. This comprehensive approach allows for an enhanced smile and long-lasting oral health.

Follow the path to a dream smile with Alliance Family Dentistry

Dr. Dasha Frias Landa and the team at Alliance Family Dentistry in Naples, FL, are experts at providing Invisalign treatment. Dr. Frias Landa's in-depth understanding of dental anatomy, combined with cutting-edge technology and an experienced team, ensures a personalized and effective treatment plan for every patient. If you've been considering orthodontic treatment or an alternative to braces, it's time to explore the benefits of clear aligners. Book your consultation today and start your journey toward a radiant smile with Invisalign clear aligners in Naples, FL.

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.